Casino Arizona/Talking Stick Resort
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Wireless Ring Bar Code Scanner
Scanning barcodes with a laser scanner is a lot more productive than the camera on your mobile device and they work great with You can see a short demo here:

You can find the device used in this demo here:

Call us if you have any questions about it.

(801) 737-5555
TrackIT Version 9.1.1
An updated version of TrackIT has been released which impacts Security, User information, and Password resets. The User Screen now requires a user name, full name, and email address, along with a Security Group. Users can now submit a Password reset request, but a valid email address has to be assigned to the User in the User screen for this to happen. Anyone with Administration authority can update the User information. Password validation is case sensitive and new passwords must be 5-25 characters, must have no spaces, at least 1 digit, at least 1 uppercase letter, and at least one lowercase letter. It can also contain the special characters of !@#$%.

TrackIT Go has also been released. TrackIT Go has all the functionality of TrackIT Scan (plus some) but does not require an App to be installed. It is browser based and runs great on both Mobile Devices and PCs. It works well with most infrared scanners that can connect to your device with Bluetooth. You can get a link by placing your curser over the User Tab and clicking TrackIT Go Info.
TrackIT would like to welcome the Casino Arizona/Talking Stick Resort. Please reach out to our support group at (801) 737-5555 if you have any questions.
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